Boreas Haptic Blog

Understanding Haptic Trackpad Architecture in Next-Gen Laptops

As technology evolves, so does how we interact with our devices. In recent years, haptic trackpads have become increasingly popular for productivity-focused laptops due to their advanced technology.

Current Challenges in the Development of haptic Trackpad

This year's consumer electronics show (CES) was the largest in-person show since COVID, with 115,000 people attending the Las Vegas convention. While CES 2023 played host to several exciting innovations, laptops with haptic touchpads took center stage. In this review, we'll take a look at the LG...

5 Primary Applications of the Piezoelectric Effect

The piezoelectric effect has a range of exciting functions. Uses range from smartphone haptic feedback application to micropumps which can deliver minute quantities of life saving medications.While it may not have the name-brand recognition that other popular technologies enjoy, its ubiquitous...

Haptic Feedback Explained: Uses and Applications

What is haptic feedback? Broadly speaking, haptic feedback is the use of vibrations and other force mechanisms to mimic various physical sensations. Haptic feedback systems can be classed as either tactile feedback, like differential surface texture and vibrations, or kinesthetic haptics, which...

Solid State Technology: What It Is and Its Applications

Steady-state technology is nothing new. The term accompanies the birth of the semiconductor industry and the introduction of computer chips. However, interest in the technology has picked up in recent months as rumors have swirled that Apple will replace the side buttons on its iPhone 15 Pro models...